Friday, November 20, 2009


My friends have always been one of the most important things in my life. They aren’t just friends, they’re family. They have my back, I have theirs, and there’s unconditional love.

When Maggie died, my friends rallied to hold me up from day one. They checked in daily via text messages, emails, FB messages, and voicemails. Some brought food, something that I will always be grateful for. I have no idea what we would have eaten, or if we even would have.

We always knew we had amazing friends, but we were still blown away by the generosity and the love we felt. It really was remarkable. Friends dropping everything to travel back home for me, friends who we haven’t seen in years showing up at the funeral, friends who I have never met in person coming without hesitation. Friends who have children of their own, but still did what they could to be there for us.

In times of tragedy, you know who your true friends are. You know who you can call in the middle of the night, if need be. You realize that the girls you used to giggle with in high school are still a huge part of your life, though you may not see them often. They were here for me, they traveled for ME, without question. That means more than they will ever know.

Sometimes, you can be surprised by a renewed friendship. I met Kimberly when we were in 7th grade, 22 years ago. Yikes. We were friends through 9th grade and then we drifted apart. We reconnected when our girls went to the same preschool and we started chatting through Facebook. Now, our babies are in Kindergarten together and our families have kind of blended together. I talk to or see Kim every day and I’ve grown to love her like a sister.

On Wednesday, after I had gotten off the phone with the lady at the cemetery, I sat in my van and cried my eyes out. I was trying to compose myself so I could pick up Piper and I had almost succeeded, until I saw Kim. She knew by the look on my face that I was in a bad place, reached out her hand and said “Are you okay?” I promptly burst into tears and she held me while I sobbed. Standing there on the sidewalk, across the street from Pea’s school, just holding each other. I told her what had happened, that I was just dreading even discussing Maggie’s headstone, and that I didn’t want to go alone. She immediately said, “I’ll go with you, okay? You won’t be alone.” This woman has 4 children, but didn’t hesitate to show how much she cared.

We walked up to school with our arms around each other, and she said “This is what friends do. You’ve been there for me, and I’ll always be here for you. I’ve learned a lot about true friends over the past 10 years.” I couldn’t have said it better myself.

True friends stick by you when you’re bawling with snot all over your face, when you’re hating life, when you’re bitching about your husband, when you feel like your kids are going to drive you insane, when you just need a glass of wine and an ear, when you’re broke, when you’re sick, and when you’re feeling sorry for yourself. True friends are there for all of that, and expect nothing in return.

I am blessed to have my true friends and I wouldn’t be here if not for them.

Thank you, my dear friends, for loving me unconditionally and for taking care of me for the past 6 ½ months. You all mean the world to me.


  1. You are a blessing to us all, Kel. I don't know where I'd be without your friendship.
    Love you!!

  2. I'm so glad you had a friend right there to go with you for that! What a huge blessing! Love and hugs to you!

  3. I remember that day.
    I meant it then and I mean it everyday still! I am here for you! ALWAYS. BIG or small.
    I love you and am so excited for you to begin this new like 6hrs!
    I love you Kel!
